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The Ballad of Hattie and James Tickets

7 reviews
Kiln Theatre London
An epic journey of music, friendship, and life's defining moments.

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An epic, life-spanning tale of friendship, music, and the moments that change you forever.

At St Pancras International, a woman sits at the piano and begins to play. The music captivates commuters, tourists and, following a viral clip, people around the world. Behind the music is the incredible story of a lifelong duet – the ballad of Hattie and James.

Throughout their lives, Hattie and James find themselves inextricably linked, for better or worse, and cannot help but replay the experiences that have shaped them.

An impassioned story from Samuel Adamson (Wife) that asks who gets to have their voice heard, and can you ever settle the score?

SAVE ON TICKET PRICES Valid all performances until 18 May 2024. Book by 18 May 2024.